Monday, November 1, 2010

Beadboard Turkeys

Joke: What happened when the turkey got into a fight?

----find the answer at the end of the post ;0)

All jokes aside, this was a pretty fun craft. While surfing the web, I came across some really cute turkey ideas. I found one HERE that I really loved. Taking that idea, I adapted it into my own.

1. I used a router to cut the breadboard in a half circle (more like a half oval…) for the back of the turkey.2. Using a scroll saw, I cut out the turkey bodies. I free handed a pattern for the body. (click on the first picture for the pattern)3. I then sanded the bodies and breadboard.4. I painted, then distressed the sides of the breadboard and the bodies.5. I made my own glaze mix- 1/2 Behr's glaze and 1/2 dark brown paint, then I coated the breadboard with the glaze. I let it sit for a minute, then I wiped it off with a paper-towel. 6. For the legs, I used a dowel. Make sure they are the same length. For the feet, I wanted to have two separate feet, but I thought that would make the turkey unstable, so I cut out triangles out of 2X4's. One triangle per turkey.7. Drill holes in the feet and in the bottom of the body of the turkey. Make sure the holes lined up. Use wood glue to secure the dowels in the 2x4.8. Paint the feet9. Distress the legs and feet, then coat with glaze then wipe off. (I used stain because I ran out of glaze)10. I used black carpet nails for the eyes and a wooden triangles I had on had for the beak. 11. I Glued the body onto the breadboard and let it dry, then glued the legs into the holes I drilled in the body. I also cut the red dangley thing out of red felt and glued it next to the beak.There you have it- your very own turkeys!

Answer: He got the stuffing knocked out of him.


  1. Those turkeys are sooo cute! You are very clever. I wish I knew how to use some power tools! I like the candy corn too.

  2. Way cute!!

    - Michelle @ Bunch of Craft

  3. Another stellar idea! I LOVE this one. I am featuring it at tomorrow.

  4. CuTe! I for real am going to head out and make some for myself! i your newest follower:)

  5. I love these! The little blocks are adorable too! Come link up to my Get Organized Giveway!

  6. Those turkeys are just so cute. How creative you are!

  7. your turkeys are adorable! your take on them is much cuter than the original!!! so happy i stumbled upon your blog!

  8. cute cute CUTE!!! And I adore the candy corns too. Your execution was flawless! Thanks for sharing:)

  9. i just posted my turkeys!:) i changed them to make them my own but i got the idea from u!:) check em out at

  10. Your turkeys turned out SO cute!! I also love the gobble gobble blocks!

  11. These are stinkin adorable! I love them!

    I am so glad you linked up your project @ Polly want a Crafter and I wanted to let you know that we are going to feature this on 11/11 @ 7:00 AM. Hope you get some new readers!


  12. I think I want a scroll saw for Christmas. Your turkeys are so cute. I love decorating with things I really want to keep around a few years.

  13. Gotta Follow after an idea like this one. :)
    I have everything I need already in the basement. It is on my to-do list to do with the kiddos. They will love painting them.

  14. Oh my these are soooooo cute! You have the best ideas.

  15. Totally made them and it totally made my day and the kid's loved painting them! Thanks so much for sharing your awesome idea!

    Here they are!

  16. You are really talented and crafty! So cute!

  17. I LOVE these turkeys! These are too adorable.. hope you link them up at my Pink Hippo Party @

  18. Love your turkeys! I'd like to invite you to come plant your creative seeds at my blog party: Plant a Punkin Seed at Punkin Seed Productions (on Fridays).

    Punkin Seed Productions

  19. Love them, love them,love them! So cute you want to find a way to display them all year!

  20. These turkeys are darn cute! What a fun idea.

  21. Love it, love it, oh my gosh I love it! Hope you can come see my blog too!

  22. Just came across your cute ideas... could you tell me what font you used for the gobble, gobble blocks.
